Summer Student Fellowship: 2014 Summaries
The future of Fragile X research depends on inspiring and encouraging new generations of researchers to push Fragile X forward. That’s why we offer the annual Summer Student Fellowship, which assists young researchers in their [...]
“Happy Birthday” Meltdowns and Other Behavioral Conundrums
“Why does my child cry when people sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her?” Many years ago when I first heard this from a parent of a girl with FXS, I thought it was rather strange and perhaps something unique to this child’s behavioral repertoire.
Neuroimmunology Meets Neurodevelopmental: Innate and Adaptive Immune Function in FXS
Neuroimmunology is a relatively new field at the intersection of neuroscience and immunology. Its purpose is to describe how immune function affects brain development and function, and how signaling between cells in the brain affect levels [...]
AZ: Someburros! Fundraiser
20% of every order to Fragile X of Northern Arizona* Date: November 21, 2014 Time: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM Location: Someburros!320 South Regent St. Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Hosts: Fragile X of Northern Arizona [...]
UC Davis: Spoken Language Treatment Study for Fragile X Syndrome
UC Davis MIND Institute We are interested in learning if a behavioral treatment called Parent- Implemented Language Intervention will support spoken language development in boys with Fragile X syndrome (FXS). This study might be [...]
2013 Annual Report
Message From Jeffrey | Why Your Support Matters | Support | Awareness | Advocacy | By The Numbers | Financials It was an honor and a privilege to serve as the Interim Executive Director for [...]
How Common are Medical Problems in Fragile X Syndrome?
Are medical problems more common in individuals with Fragile X syndrome than in typically developing children? To help answer that question and guide pediatricians in caring for individuals with FXS, clinicians from the FXCRC set out to determine the most common medical problems found in individuals with FXS.
GA: Month Long Holiday Fundraiser
Greater Atlanta Fragile X Vendor Holiday Fundraiser Date: November 30, 2014 Time: Location: Atlanta, GA 30327 Hosts: Greater Atlanta Fragile X Details Three great companies, one great cause - Fragile X!! With the [...]
Fragile X Syndrome: NIH Research Study
NIMH This research seeks to understand how protein formation in the brain is affected in Fragile X syndrome (FXS). Researchers will measure the rate at which the brain makes proteins (protein synthesis) and will [...]
Randi Hagerman Receives C. Anderson Aldrich Award from American Academy of Pediatrics
Co-Founder of the NFXF honored with one of the most prestigious awards for pediatricians in the United States Randi Jenssen Hagerman, co-founder of the National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF) and medical director of the [...]
How have we helped you?
How has the NFXF helped you and your family over the years? As we close out our 30th year of service to families, we'd like to share pictures and statements of how we've helped you [...]
Comparison of Financial & Employment Impacts of FXS, Autism & ID
A study summary of: A Comparison of Family Financial and Employment Impacts of Fragile X Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Intellectual Disability The full study is available in Research and Developmental Disabilities, July 2014. The [...]