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The NFXF Blog


Potential FXS Drug Receives Orphan Drug Status

By |Apr 4, 2018|

The drug BPN14770, which is in development for possible treatment of Fragile X syndrome, was granted orphan drug status by the FDA. As the patient advocacy organization for Fragile X, the NFXF will assist in [...]

FXS and ASD: Similar But Different

By |Apr 2, 2018|

This discussion provides clinical perspectives on the behavioral differences between FXS and what are thought to be core features of autism. There is still much to be learned about identifying behaviors that suggest the presence or absence of ASD in FXS.

Volunteer Highlight: Rachel DeLine

By |Mar 30, 2018|

Written by Kimberly Powell Beer is hard  work! Just ask Rachel DeLine, Greater Atlanta Chapter Leader. The Greater Atlanta area has been steadily growing in the craft beer industry with more and more breweries [...]

Fragile X Research at the DOD

By |Mar 1, 2018|

Thanks to the hard work of NFXF Advocates years ago, Fragile X is one of the authorized research areas at the Department of Defense's Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (DOD CDMRP). Millions of dollars in [...]

A Blood Test for Autism? Not So Fast

By |Feb 20, 2018|

Among families and professionals, in schools and therapeutic settings, there is already a great deal of confusion about the relationship between genetic test results and developmental diagnoses. We challenge the the notion that autism itself can be directly diagnosed through a blood test.

Help Guide Fragile X Research at NIH

By |Feb 16, 2018|

Last year, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded $46 million in Fragile X research, an amount that has trended upwards in the past few years. Over the years, they have funded hundreds of millions [...]

What do you love about Fragile X?

By |Feb 7, 2018|

[mpc_textblock content_width="100" font_size="16" font_line_height="1.7" margin_divider="true" mpc_tooltip__border_divider="true" mpc_tooltip__padding_divider="true"] At first, that might sound like a strange question. But, love is someone or something that touches you in your deepest place and warms your heart. Fragile [...]

Congress Passes the RAISE Act

By |Jan 10, 2018|

Last night, Congress passed the RAISE Family Caregivers Act. The bill, introduced by Fragile X Caucus co-chair and parent, Rep. Gregg Harper, directs the Secretary of HHS to work with stakeholders from state and local [...]

Fishing for a Cure

By |Jan 9, 2018|

Joey Christoff’s son, Mitchell, has Fragile X syndrome, and his wife and mother-in-law are carriers at risk of Fragile X-associated disorders. Caring for them and giving hope to other families is what drives Joey [...]