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The NFXF Blog


Female Power to Fight a Crisis — Presentation

By |May 8, 2020|

Females living with Fragile X syndrome were asked to give advice to other females living with FXS on how to cope with this — or any future — crisis. Listen as Marcia talks through their advice and her own advice, built on decades of working with patients with Fragile X syndrome.

A COVID-19 Social Story from NFXF

By |Apr 27, 2020|

The National Fragile X Foundation has created a social story to reflect the changing requirements that governments are enacting. There’s a lot of information — and misinformation — about COVID-19 out there, but there’s no doubt it’s impacted families in many, many ways.

How to Prepare for a Telehealth Visit

By |Apr 24, 2020|

Drs Rebecca Shaffer and Ernie Pedapati tell you how to prepare for your telehealth visit, including behavioral checkups. They are with Fragile X Clinic at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Their advice is applicable to all visits.

Study: Our Fragile X World Registry

By |Apr 21, 2020|

Our Fragile X World collects data from families using online surveys and in-person studies. Topics covered include sensory or behavioral challenges, health care experiences, and the impact of Fragile X on families.

How Do We Cope with the Current Circumstances

By |Apr 14, 2020|

In this new recording, Marcia Braden discusses strategies for daily living with COVID-19. She discusses how anxiety can fuel behavior, and she gives ideas on how to set up your day and accommodations you can make to help keep anxiety at a minimum.