At first, that might sound like a strange question. But, love is someone or something that touches you in your deepest place and warms your heart. Fragile X, along with its many challenges, can reach beyond those challenges and find love. This love creates a story which needs to be told.
Here is what I love about Fragile X. That it brings out the very best in all of us. That we care about each other and will always do what we can to help each other. I’m a better person because of Fragile X.
For the next month, I encourage you to share your story under the banner of LoveFX to help raise awareness and support for Fragile X.
Some families are already sharing their LoveFX story. Here are some snippets:
- “My Fragile X love story began after I cried and realized that Derek would still be ok no matter what. . .”
- “[My sister and I] have always been close despite her being 4 years younger, but Fragile X brought us closer in such a different way. We laugh, cry, be sarcastic, and swear together about the love/not love we have with Fragile X syndrome. It’s the love story you don’t read about in books, but when it’s in family as tight as ours, it always has a happy ending.”
- “When I received my diagnosis, I called the National Fragile X Foundation. While I can’t remember word for word how the conversation went, I remember suddenly hearing this voice on the other end of the phone telling me that his children had Fragile X and it was going to be okay. . . that I wasn’t alone. . . The NFXF has introduced me to some incredible people in my life, some incredible friends that I know, for a fact, have made me the parent and the advocate that I am today. I do it not just for Logan, but all those affected by Fragile X syndrome and Fragile X-related disorders. After all, you would do anything for love, right?”
Everyone has their own love story. Will you share yours to help all Fragile X families with more awareness, appreciation, and support?
Here’s how:
- Create and share a fundraiser at Select “Become a Fundraiser” and then “Join a Team” to select your local chapter if one is near you so that half of the funds stay locally.
- Share a fundraiser on Facebook. You can create your own by selecting “Create Fundraiser” on the NFXF Facebook page or share your chapter leader’s fundraiser to keep half of the raised funds with your local NFXF Chapter.
- Donate to a fundraiser at
- Share your LoveFX story on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with the #LoveFX hashtag to link them together. Every story helps to raise awareness of Fragile X.
Every dollar raised helps the National Fragile X Foundation support the community we love, raise the awareness we desire, make every day the best it can be, all while advancing the research for treatments and a cure we all hope for.
Thank you for sharing the love.
