With Rebecca Shaffer
Keeping a Routine is the first in our series of short videos — My Child is Home… Now What?? — from Rebecca Shaffer, PsyD, director of psychological services at the Cincinnati Fragile X Clinic. We all know routines are important and can be challenging. This is even more true when your child is home full time.

Rebecca Shaffer, PsyD, HSPP
Dr. Shaffer is the director of psychological services for Cincinnati Children’s Fragile X Treatment and Research Center. She performs evaluations necessary for clinical research and provides psychological assessment and behavioral treatment for individuals with Fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, and Angelman Syndrome.
We’re Here to Help During This Extraordinary Time
LINDA SORENSEN — With most of us staying at home now, we’re committed to providing you with the most timely and meaningful educational resources we have available. This includes sharing a series of articles, video series, and webinars.
My Child is Home… Now What? Keeping a Routine — Webinar
In this webinar, Rebecca Shaffer guides us through the importance of having a routine, including providing predictability and lowering anxiety, and how to create and build your own for you and your child.
Get Moving with Special Olympics’ Fit 5
The Special Olympics is a valuable program for so many families, and the Fit 5 program can help with you and your child's daily living strategies and routines.
COVID-19: My child is home from school or work or a day program! What do I do?
Timely advice from Jayne Dixon Weber for parents and families asking: What am I going to do with the children all day? How do I get supplies in the house? What if someone gets sick? What if I get sick? What about my work? What if things fall apart at home?