A message to the Fragile X community from Dr. Dayno on behalf of the team at Harmony Biosciences:
Representatives from Harmony Biosciences will be attending the 19th International Fragile X Conference with us in Orlando, Florida. They are excited to come together with the Fragile X community to listen, learn, and help pave the way for brighter futures.
If you see a member of the Harmony Biosciences team, don’t hesitate to say “hello” and ask about about their commitment to the Fragile X community and advancing science and treatment options.
learn more
Visit the RECONNECT MyFXReserach post for more infromation:
Clinical Trial RECONNECT: ZYN002 Gel | MyFXResearch Portal (fragilex.org)
Parent and Caregiver Perspectives towards Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Fragile X Syndrome
Some caregivers and parents of individuals with FXS have given CBD supplements to the individuals they care for and learning about their insights and experiences is important. This was the first study to learn more about their observations and opinions regarding CBD to treat FXS.
Observable Symptoms of Anxiety in Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome: Parent and Caregiver Perspectives
Most individuals with FXS cannot state themselves that they are anxious and self-report is needed in current standardized assessments. The information analyzed in this study will result in the development of a measure where observable and quantifiable data on anxiety in those with FXS can become an outcome measure to be used in future research/trials.