About Kristin Bogart

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So far Kristin Bogart has created 91 blog entries.

The People Who Are the NFXF

By |2025-01-09T16:29:23-05:00Oct 21, 2024|Foundation|

So many people - volunteers, team members, donors, advocates, including self-advocates, clinicians and clinic teams, researchers, therapists, educators, counselors, advisors and others - over the past 40 years have helped make the National Fragile X Foundation what it is today!  

A Reflection on the CEO Commission’s 2024 Hill Day

By |2024-10-02T20:11:44-04:00Oct 2, 2024|Blog|

NFXF Executive Director, Hilary Rosselot, and Advocacy Ambassador, Dillon Kelley, attended the CEO Commission for Disability Employment’s Employment Summit and Hill Day in September 2024. It was an inspiring, action-packed few days, and they are excited to share more about their experience and why it matters to the Fragile X community.

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