What is Fragile X? A 90-Second Video
The NFXF has released a new 90-second video to help educate and spread awareness of Fragile X. Perfect for sharing!
The NFXF has released a new 90-second video to help educate and spread awareness of Fragile X. Perfect for sharing!
The Haugen’s third Fragile X Christmas Party was another smashing success. Their fundraising goal was $25,000, and they raised a whopping $36,420.
Executive Director Hilary Rosselot welcomes the incoming class of 2025 Board Members. We look forward to working together to serve the entire Fragile X community.
Dr. Hagerman told a short story about how the National Fragile X Foundation came to be at this year’s NFXF International Fragile X Conference, and we want to share her story with you.
The annual Fishing for a Cure fundraiser, hosted by Joey Christoff in honor of his son Mitchell, was another great success in 2024! Check out the big fish and the big smiles.
Learn how we are equipping families with resources needed to plan for the future with confidence, while we continue to work towards treatments for Fragile X.
Learn how we are expanding our network of Fragile X clinics to better support individuals living with the Fragile X premutation.
When we take a moment to reflect on what means the most to us in this season of gratitude and joy, the Fragile X community tops the list.
Our NFXF Belonging Grant is already making an impact. Learn how we're expanding this program to reach even more families impacted by Fragile X!
We're on a mission to find and support EVERY family living with Fragile X
Highlighting the Fragile X Clinic at the Michigan Medicine Fragile X clinic , a member of the National Fragile X Foundation’s Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium (FXCRC)
More than 50 friends and supporters gathered on September 29 to eat great food, taste various wines, bid for prizes, and raise awareness and funds to support the Fragile X community.
So many people - volunteers, team members, donors, advocates, including self-advocates, clinicians and clinic teams, researchers, therapists, educators, counselors, advisors and others - over the past 40 years have helped make the National Fragile X Foundation what it is today!
NFXF Executive Director, Hilary Rosselot, and Advocacy Ambassador, Dillon Kelley, attended the CEO Commission for Disability Employment’s Employment Summit and Hill Day in September 2024. It was an inspiring, action-packed few days, and they are excited to share more about their experience and why it matters to the Fragile X community.
Families for Fragile X held their first “Fragile X Walk” event on July 20 in Warwick, Rhode Island. More than 50 family members, caregivers, and the general public participated their first X Strides event.