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The NFXF Blog


International Fragile X Conference Reminders

By |Jun 29, 2012|

June 2012 We’re less than a month away from setting sail for Miami so we hope you’ve already registered! If not, late online registration is still open until July 11, 2012. Afterwards, you must register [...]

Strategies for Day-to-Day Life

By |Jun 29, 2012|

Mouse and Tracy present day-to-day strategies they've drawn from their evidenced-based practice and knowledge of the neurocognitive development of children with Fragile X syndrome.

Supreme Court Takes Center Stage

By |Jun 29, 2012|

Jeffrey Cohen Director of Government Affairs & Advocacy During the week of June 25th I was scheduled to be in DC to attend Congressional Hearings on Seclusion and Restraint and to meet with [...]

What are your plans for Awareness Day?

By |Jun 29, 2012|

If you're not coming to Miami, the next best thing will be to check in regularly with us, starting with, where we'll have regular updates on National Fragile X Awareness Day and conference activities, [...]

Major Conference Agenda Updates

By |Jun 27, 2012|

We pushed out a lot of changes to the last night. We have moved a few sessions around and restored the room information after significant changes to that. We have a few more [...]