Preparing Yourself for the 13th International Fragile X Conference: What the Conference is Like and Activities
Join experienced parents and conference-goers -- Jayne Dixon Weber, Arlene Cohen, and Michele Kaplan -- on our newest podcasts as they give you the lowdown on how to prepare for the 13th International Fragile X [...]
Preparing Yourself for the 13th International Fragile X Conference: Getting Ready and Registration
Join experienced parents and conference-goers -- Jayne Dixon Weber, Arlene Cohen, and Michele Kaplan -- on our newest podcasts as they give you the lowdown on how to prepare for the 13th International Fragile X [...]
Today is the Last day for Online Registrations for the Conference
Register online before midnight tonight! After today July 11, 2012 we will be closing online registration, so make sure that you're registered! There will be limited registration available at the door, but we cannot guarantee [...]
International Fragile X Conference Reminders
June 2012 We’re less than a month away from setting sail for Miami so we hope you’ve already registered! If not, late online registration is still open until July 11, 2012. Afterwards, you must register [...]
Strategies for Day-to-Day Life
Mouse and Tracy present day-to-day strategies they've drawn from their evidenced-based practice and knowledge of the neurocognitive development of children with Fragile X syndrome.
A Response to Dr. Manny and His Cautions About Drugs for Autism and FXS
Robert Miller Executive Director National Fragile X Foundation Some of you may have recently read an online commentary by nationally syndicated, columnist Dr. Manny Alvarez. Not only does “Dr. Manny,” as he [...]
July is bringing in the 10th Annual National Fragile X Awareness Day Campaign!
As we look to celebrate National Fragile X Awareness Day on July 22, we are moved by the people whose stories of hope you will glimpse below. They inspire us at the National Fragile X [...]
Supreme Court Takes Center Stage
Jeffrey Cohen Director of Government Affairs & Advocacy During the week of June 25th I was scheduled to be in DC to attend Congressional Hearings on Seclusion and Restraint and to meet with [...]
What are your plans for Awareness Day?
If you're not coming to Miami, the next best thing will be to check in regularly with us, starting with, where we'll have regular updates on National Fragile X Awareness Day and conference activities, [...]
Major Conference Agenda Updates
We pushed out a lot of changes to the last night. We have moved a few sessions around and restored the room information after significant changes to that. We have a few more [...]
Special Screening: "Mission to Lars" at the International Conference Because everyone deserves an adventure in their life. At the 13th International Fragile X Conference, the National Fragile X Foundation will be proud to present a very special screening of "Mission to Lars", a [...]
Breaking News – Seaside Therapeutics & Roche Announce Alliance to Advance Treatments
Roche and Seaside Therapeutics announced today that they have entered into a collaboration to develop disease modifying treatments for Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD), both neurodevelopmental disorders