Exciting Media Attention About Fragile X Clinical Trials
The NFXF is pleased to see the media attention surrounding the latest news resulting from clinical trials for Fragile X syndrome treatments. Two members of the NFXF’s Scientific and Clinical Advisory Committee, Dr. Randi Hagerman, the NFXF’s co-founder, and Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, also a member of the NFXF’s Board of Directors, have been receiving prominent mention. The NFXF has been pleased to be able to assist its corporate partner, Seaside Therapeutics, with recruitment for this trial and others.
Dr. Peter Todd: Molecule Holds "Significant Promise" but "Still has a long ways to go"
Dr. Peter Todd, assistant professor in Neurology and co-director of the FX clinic at the University of Michigan thinks the study findings hold significant promise. “This is an interesting finding of a compound that has [...]
Positive Exposures of Fragile X
Professional photographer Rick Guidotti, of Positive Exposures, shared his beautiful photos of the attendees at the Conference. All rights belong to the National Fragile X Foundation. Feel free to download for personal use. Please contact [...]
Congratulations to the NFXF Awards Recipients
Congratulations to the 2012 National Fragile X Foundation Awards Recipients! LINKS Leader Award for significant contributions to the awareness of Fragile X (Until 2012 called the Education & Awareness Award) Diane Southard Diane Southard [...]
Study on Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood
The University of South Carolina recruiting participants for an online study to help identify policies and services needing to be more responsive to your needs and experiences. They are studying the health and participation in various life activities (school, work, family and community life).
LINKS Leaders Daughter Attends First-Ever Kids' White House "State Dinner"
Lauren Kuperman, a seventh grader at Pleasant Hill Middle School in Lexington, SC was one of 54 kids to attend a "State Dinner" at the White House on August 20 as a winner of a [...]
ScienceDaily: Fragile X and Down Syndromes Share Signalling Pathway for Intellectual Disability
NFXF Scientific & Clinical Advisory Committee member Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis had the following to share about the ScienceDaily report recently published. This news article is a little confusing when it implies that treatments for Fragile [...]
Public Health Impact of Fragile X Mutation and New Clues on Root Cause of Autism
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Robert Miller 925-938-9300 robmiller@fragilex.org www.fragilex.org Recent findings regarding Fragile X are being discussed at the 13th International Fragile X Conference in Miami. These include that many of the approximately one million [...]