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The NFXF Blog


Congressman Harper Re-Introduces the TEAM Act

By |Feb 22, 2013|

The three bills which comprised the TEAM Act began and finished the 112th Congress without ever making it to a vote. The package of bills serve the dual function of promoting the training and employment [...]

Merck Fund Announces Fragile X Research Grants

By |Feb 13, 2013|

The NFXF is honored to have been asked by the John Merck Fund to help share the exciting news about two new million-dollar grants for treatment related research in Fragile X syndrome. Both grants go [...]

Reading, Writing, and Behavior?

By |Feb 6, 2013|

Best practice for those affected with FXS means providing a learning environment that allows them to access the curriculum in ways that minimize their disruptive behaviors.

LINKS: Families Were Bowled Over With Excitement & More!

By |Feb 5, 2013|

The   LINKS group held its Third Family Bowling Event on January 26—intentionally planned in between the football conference playoffs and the Superbowl! Organized by LINKS leader Missy Zolecki, it brought together about 150 people from [...]

Thank You, 2012 Fundraisers!

By |Jan 16, 2013|

We hope your new year is off to a great start! This month we will take a moment to recognize the many individuals, families, students and LINKS groups who took it upon themselves to raise [...]