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The NFXF Blog


Fragile X and Hyperarousal Educational Conference

By |Nov 18, 2016|

On Saturday, October 29th, Fragile X of Central Arkansas hosted renowned speakers and therapists, Tracy Stackhouse and Sarah "Mouse" Scharfenaker for an educational conference, open to all families.

Annual Appeal

By |Nov 16, 2016|

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Video Modeling

By |Nov 9, 2016|

Therapy is a fun, creative process – one of the reasons that we have been at this for so long! One of the challenges of being a therapist is staying on top of the ever-emerging intervention techniques that come into our practice and making them work for individuals with FXS.

Language Challenges and Language Possibilities for Fragile X Syndrome

By |Oct 19, 2016|

Language is critical in much of daily life. Making friends, learning in school and holding down a job, all require language. For people with more limited language, like so many with Fragile X syndrome (FXS), researchers and clinicians are trying to figure out ways of improving language so that inclusion in more of life’s activities will be possible.

Proactive and Reactive Behavior Management for Your Child

By |Sep 28, 2016|

Behavior management continues to be of tremendous importance to parents and professionals and understanding the etiology of behavior in people with Fragile X syndrome is critical when creating proactive strategies to successfully manage that behavior.

Principles of Human Genetics, Clinical & Ethical Correlation: Fragile X

By |Sep 16, 2016|

On September 12, 2016, Western Massachusetts Fragile X hosted an educational event in collaboration with Dr. Joel Richter of Mass Medical School. Approximately 140 first-year medical students attended this event that highlighted Dr. Richter's research into Fragile X syndrome.