We were honored to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange, giving us an amazing opportunity to raise awareness for Fragile X. Our [then] president Brian Silver and [then] CEO Tony Ferlenda were joined at the podium by 12 other friends and family members of the community. Other families proudly
watched from the floor.
All around the building, bright screens displayed videos explaining Fragile X and the National Fragile X Foundation’s mission while national news networks explained what Fragile X is to their audiences as they announced the opening bell. It was an exciting time for us to have this chance to put Fragile X center stage!
“The miracle of Fragile X is that we all come together. When you have moments like this – where we stand together and we have this incredible bond – it’s this incredible feeling of unity, of pride, of excitement about your life which you never thought possible after that first moment of diagnosis. This is what it’s all about,” Brian said in his opening remarks.
An extra special thank you goes to Lou Barbera for arranging this opportunity.
After the bell rang, business and technology network Cheddar invited Brian and Tony for an interview about the NFXF, giving us another chance to continue raising awareness for Fragile X!