A message to the Fragile X community from Dr. Dayno on behalf of the team at Harmony Biosciences:
Representatives from Harmony Biosciences will be attending the 19th International Fragile X Conference with us in Orlando, Florida. They are excited to come together with the Fragile X community to listen, learn, and help pave the way for brighter futures.
If you see a member of the Harmony Biosciences team, don’t hesitate to say “hello” and ask about about their commitment to the Fragile X community and advancing science and treatment options.
learn more
Visit the RECONNECT MyFXReserach post for more infromation:
Clinical Trial RECONNECT: ZYN002 Gel | MyFXResearch Portal (fragilex.org)
Preventive Care Services and Health Behaviors in Children with Fragile X Syndrome
RESEARCH RESULTS ROUNDUP — This research can help identify preventive care services that patients with FXS may need and focus on reaching recommended preventative care objectives.
Controlled Trial of Lovastatin Combined With an Open-Label Treatment of a Parent-Implemented Language Intervention in Youth With Fragile X Syndrome
RESEARCH RESULTS ROUNDUP — Controlled trial explores whether the combined lovastatin/behavioral therapy approach would be more effective than just behavioral therapy alone.