By Kristin Bogart

The NFXF is excited to share a new 90-second animated video designed to raise awareness and educate about Fragile X!

In this short video, we answer the frequently asked question, “What Is Fragile X?”, by explaining Fragile X Syndrome, the premutation and its associated conditions, as well as how Fragile X is inherited. This is the first of four informative whiteboard videos we’ll be sharing across social media and here, making it easy for everyone to access and share.

One of the most important messages is that Fragile X is just one part of who a person is, and knowing what Fragile X is helps people get the support they need and deserve. Do you know someone who could benefit from watching this video?


This is a typical FMR1 gene.

This FMR1 gene has a fragile section, that’s how Fragile X got its name.

It’s a genetic alteration of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome.

Everybody has an FMR1 gene.

People with Fragile X have a gene that’s either a premutation or a full mutation.

Both can cause health risk.

Fragile X is an umbrella term that describes all the FMR1 gene associated conditions.

A full mutation can result in Fragile X syndrome which is a rare disease.

Fragile X causes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges, and various physical characteristics.

Fragile X is also the most common single gene linked to autism.

A premutation also has health risk, including conditions like FXPOI and FXTAS in some but not all individuals.

Fragile X is hereditary, which means it is passed from parents to their children.

In rare cases, Fragile X can happen spontaneously.

Fragile X is just one part of who a person is and knowing what Fragile X is helps people get the support they need.

The National Fragile X Foundation has resources for everyone: Self-advocates, families, caregivers, educators, health. and other professionals

Visit today.

Kristin Bogart, Senior Director, Development and Communications

Kristin Bogart
Kristin joined the NFXF team in 2019. She has over 20 years of experience in fundraising and non-profit management, event planning, and board and volunteer development. She earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s in public administration. Kristin loves spending time with her two teenage sons and in the company of friends, and enjoys gardening, running, and hiking in the Santa Cruz mountains.

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