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The NFXF Blog


MIND Institute Study on Men with FX Premutation

By |Dec 17, 2013|

We are searching for men who are carriers of the Fragile X premutation between the ages of 40 and 69 to participate in a longitudinal UC Davis research project, studying changes in brain and cognition associated with aging. For men who have not yet been tested, FMR1 DNA testing is completed to help determine eligibility for the study.

Brandeis University Looking for Girls with FXS Aged 13+

By |Dec 16, 2013|

Lindsey Stobie, Masters candidate in the Genetic Counseling Program at Brandeis University Do you have a daughter with Fragile X syndrome? I am a graduate student in the Genetic Counseling Program at Brandeis University. [...]

Grateful Thoughts

By |Dec 13, 2013|

As this year rushes to a close, I want to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am to be a part of the Fragile X community. I’ve learned so much from each of you – your determination, your commitment and your passion to make the lives of your families the best they can be is my daily inspiration....

Charity Navigator Awards NFXF With a 4-Star Rating

By |Dec 4, 2013|

We are proud to announce that Charity Navigator has awarded us the prestigious rating of 4 Stars. That's the highest possible rating from America's Largest Charity Evaluator. The goal of the Charity Navigator is to [...]

Fragile X and the NFXF, Courtesy of the Giving Library

By |Nov 26, 2013|

I'm very excited to share this short video I recorded recently thanks to the generosity of our friends at the Giving Library. In it, I talk about how Fragile X affects our lives and the ways the National Fragile X Foundation has helped make a world of difference to many families, including mine. I hope you'll take the time to watch it and share it with your family and friends.

When “Marriage” Is Spelled F-X-T-A-S

By |Nov 20, 2013|

My whole marriage to my husband Vince can be described by one acronym: FXTAS. Our wedding was in April 1999. It was a second marriage for us both, and we weren’t youngsters (I was 48 and Vince was 64), but I thought we were both healthy. We had no inkling that Vince’s mind was already deteriorating from FXTAS.

A Fragile X Question on Jeopardy!

By |Oct 24, 2013|

Yes, that's correct Fragile X syndrome was mentioned when Mike asked for "Fragile for $400" on Thursday nights episode of Jeopardy.