With Rebecca Shaffer and Ernie Pedapati

Drs Rebecca Shaffer and Ernie Pedapati tell you how to prepare for your telehealth visit, including behavioral checkups. Both are doctors at the Fragile X Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

After watching the video, please let us know if you have any questions by filling out the form below. Jayne will try to answer as many as she can and/or it may be answered in a future video. 


Female Power to Fight a Crisis — Presentation

Females living with Fragile X syndrome were asked to give advice to other females living with FXS on how to cope with this — or any future — crisis. Listen as Marcia talks through their advice and her own advice, built on decades of working with patients with Fragile X syndrome.

A COVID-19 Social Story from NFXF

The National Fragile X Foundation has created a social story to reflect the changing requirements that governments are enacting. There’s a lot of information — and misinformation — about COVID-19 out there, but there’s no doubt it’s impacted families in many, many ways.

How to Prepare for a Telehealth Visit

Drs Rebecca Shaffer and Ernie Pedapati tell you how to prepare for your telehealth visit, including behavioral checkups. They are with Fragile X Clinic at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Their advice is applicable to all visits.

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