by Hilary Rosselot
In our ongoing effort to advance scientific understanding and advancing treatment research in all Fragile X-associated conditions and disorders, we are sharing information on an available funding opportunity.
Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP)
Over $20M has been awarded for Fragile X-associated conditions and disorders research since 2010, when Fragile X was first included as an eligible condition for funding from the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMPR) Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP). Thanks to the efforts of the NFXF advocates, Fragile X, which includes all FMR1-associated conditions and disorders, is once again included as an eligible topic area for Fiscal Year 23 (FY23). The PRMRP is within the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) – a global funding organization that fosters novel approaches to congressionally targeted biomedical research areas. CDMRP receives annual appropriations that are disease or condition-specific. Congress appropriated $370M in funding For the FY23 budget within the PRMRP.
Since 2010, the NFXF and the Fragile X community have continued to advocate in Congress for Fragile X-associated conditions and disorder research funding, and policies. We have nominated numerous consumer reviewers from the Fragile X community to participate in the peer and programmatic PRMRP review process. The consumer reviewer provides a perspective that is complimentary to the scientific expertise and helps the scientist understand the human side of how research will impact the Fragile X community.
New for Fiscal Year 23
- Rare Diseases and Conditions Portfolio – Fragile X syndrome and Fragile X-associated conditions and disorders are included in this new category.*
*While not new, hereditary ataxia is also listed as an eligible condition within the PRMRP, which may be a good option for FXTAS projects. Learn more here. - Lifestyle and Behavioral Health Interventions Research Award (LIBRA)
- Providing Feedback about Research Needs – The NFXF was invited to and provided a list of research gaps, the most urgent needs, and an explanation as to why these unmet needs are important to the Fragile X community.
FY23 PRMRP Funding Opportunities/Mechanisms for Fragile X-associated Conditions and Disorders Research:
- Clinical Trial Award: Supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials of novel interventions. Preproposal deadline is April 12, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET
- Discovery Award: Supports the exploration of a highly innovative new concept or untested theory – Letter of Intent deadline is March 29, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET
- Focused Program Award: Supports a synergistic, multidisciplinary research program of at least four distinct but complementary projects addressing an overarching goal/question – Preproposal deadline is April 12, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET
- Investigator-Initiated Research Award: Supports research that will make an original and important contribution to the field of research or patient care in the Topic Area(s) of interest – Letter of Intent deadline is April 19, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET
- Lifestyle and Behavioral Health Interventions Research Award (LBIRA): Supports the development, evaluation, and implementation of therapies, technologies, and innovations that will enhance patient experience and improve outcomes. Letter of Intent deadline is April 19, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET
- Technology/Therapeutic Development Award: Supports the translation of promising preclinical findings into clinical applications for prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and/or quality of life – Letter of Intent deadline is April 19, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET
Learn more about the FY23 funding mechanisms:
The NFXF can help! The PRMRP program appreciates partnerships between patient advocacy groups and researchers.
The NFXF Research Facilitation portfolio leverages our skills to create meaningful partnerships with all researchers, from initial concept through the dissemination of results. We support our research facilitation mission through the NFXF Research Readiness Program, our services menu, focused projects, and advocacy. We recommend all researchers engage in the program early for support from concept through the conclusion of the research project.

Hilary Rosselot
Hilary joined the NFXF team in 2019. Prior to joining the NFXF team, she worked at the Cincinnati Fragile X Research and Treatment Center for over five years. She has experience as a clinical research coordinator across many types of clinical trials and served as the clinical research manager for the Cincinnati program. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s, and is a SOCRA certified clinical research professional (CCRP). She enjoys time with family and friends, a great book, a strong cup of coffee and, of course, a good laugh!