A message to the Fragile X community from Dr. Dayno on behalf of the team at Harmony Biosciences:
Representatives from Harmony Biosciences will be attending the 19th International Fragile X Conference with us in Orlando, Florida. They are excited to come together with the Fragile X community to listen, learn, and help pave the way for brighter futures.
If you see a member of the Harmony Biosciences team, don’t hesitate to say “hello” and ask about about their commitment to the Fragile X community and advancing science and treatment options.
learn more
Visit the RECONNECT MyFXReserach post for more infromation:
Clinical Trial RECONNECT: ZYN002 Gel | MyFXResearch Portal (fragilex.org)
A Message from Harmony Biosciences Before the 19th NFXF International Fragile X Conference
Here's a message from our friends at Harmony Biosciences in advance of the 19th NFXF International Fragile X Conference.
Harmony Biosciences & RECONNECT Team Join FXS Community in Advocacy
Over the past six months, the Harmony team has worked alongside their colleagues at Zynerba and the RECONNECT trial to create and deepen existing ties with members of the Fragile X syndrome (FXS) community.