About Anna De Sonia

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So far Anna De Sonia has created 34 blog entries.

EXPERIENCE Clinical Trials – Join Today!

By |2025-03-14T11:48:21-04:00Jan 29, 2025|Blog|

You may have heard about EXPERIENCE (Evaluation of Fragile X Experience in Cognition Expression) clinical trials as the Tetra studies or the studies of BPN14770 in Fragile X syndrome. EXPERIENCE is now being managed by Shionogi and clinical trial sites across the U.S. are still enrolling qualified male participants aged 9-45.

NFXF Webinar Series: Gene Therapy & the FXS Community: A Review of Community Surveys

By |2025-01-03T14:46:33-05:00Jan 2, 2025|Research, Results, Webinar|

In December 2024, the NFXF put on a webinar discussing gene therapy and the perspectives from those in the FX community. During this webinar, expert Dr. David Hampson laid the groundwork of understanding what gene therapy is, followed by three different groups - The Patrick Wild Centre, Mt. Siani Hospital, and the NFXF - presenting on their community surveys, which all aimed to understand the perspectives on gene therapy from the Fragile X community.

NFXF Belonging Project

By |2025-03-13T09:30:32-04:00Dec 20, 2024|Blog|

The Belonging Project, one of our newest initiatives, aims to intentionally extend our reach to underserved and underrepresented communities across the United States. Hear from each of the three Fragile X clinics and our own in-house belonging survey, on how we’ve begun work to understand the challenges to diagnosis, treatment, and feeling a sense of community belonging faced by Black, Hispanic, and Native American groups and the providers who serve them.


By |2024-10-21T21:55:27-04:00Oct 21, 2024|Opportunities for Families|

Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are working on technology to improve how to identify and track progress in children living with autism and Fragile X syndrome. The study is currently recruiting children ages 18 months to 5 years, and 12-18 years.

Study: Web Intervention for Parents of Youth with Genetic Syndromes (WINGS)

By |2024-10-14T17:28:59-04:00Oct 14, 2024|Opportunities for Families|

Researchers at the Autism Assessment, Research, Treatment & Services (AARTS) Center at Rush University Medical Center are currently conducting a fully-virtual research study that is testing two telehealth interventions that are designed to help parents of children with genetic syndromes and intellectual disabilities gain strategies to manage challenging behaviors.

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