Mouse and Tracy, aka Sarah K. Scharfenaker and Tracy Murnan Stackhouse, hosted “Hyperarousal and Anxiety in Fragile X,” a two-day Learning Series workshop Nov. 2–3, 2018, hosted by our NFXF local chapter out of St. Louis, the Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri.
The Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri (our NFXF local chapter out of St. Louis) hosted “Hyperarousal and Anxiety in Fragile X,” a two-day Learning Series workshop November 2–3, 2018, led by Fragile X experts Mouse and Tracy.
Attendees—including parents, family members, educators, and therapists—walked away with a better understanding of how hyperarousal and anxiety impact individuals with Fragile X syndrome.
A hands-on exercise designed to mimic the experience of hyperarousal helped everyone gain a deeper comprehension of the issue from the perspective of those living with Fragile X syndrome. The workshop then introduced the attendees to the phenotypical learning style, including the strategies Mouse and Tracy use and how to apply them.
Saturday focused on the FX Max Planning Tool for home, school, and work, and included breakout sessions for participants to work through FX Max in small groups. Learn more about the FX Max Planning Tool.

Far Left: Mouse and Tracy pose for photos with local chapter volunteers and workshop attendees.
Left: Attendees pre-ordered boxed lunches, and these are our gracious lunchbox volunteers!
Special thanks goes to our sponsor St. Luke’s Hospital, the Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri’s Symposium Team, and the many other volunteers who made this event possible! As always, Mouse and Tracy shared their vast knowledge and expertise to help us all better support individuals with Fragile X syndrome.
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