Another great conference in the Northwest Region this year hosted by Fragile X Association of WA State! It was an honor and privilege to introduce Drs. Paul and Randi Hagerman, both distinguished professors at UC Davis MIND Institute, UCD School of Medicine and experts in Fragile X as presenters for the entire day. Parents, teachers and pediatricians arrived from Oregon all over Washington. Inquiring minds and hopeful hearts came poised and eager to learn about current scientific research outcomes, opportunities for open studies, tools to use at home/school around behavior, FXTAS, FXPOI and so much more. We are forever grateful to have Paul and Randi’s expertise and fervor to find new treatments and a cure for Fragile X.
It was wonderful to see Robby Miller, NFXF Director of the Fragile X Clinic Relations, who gave an update on the current status of locating a new FX clinic in the Puget Sound area. Confidence is building with the prospect that we’ll soon have a new clinic in the Northwest.
“Advocacy at home” was a topic of interest as a handful of attendees were ready to join the STAR Local Advocacy team. There were numerous raffle prizes won by attendees who purchased tickets for $1 each and helped FXAWS raise $400 for the association. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and congratulations to the winners! We appreciate your continued support.
FXAWS would also like to thank their wonderful sponsors who supported this year’s conference:
- Prime Electric
- NeuDLL
- Emory University
- Seattle Children’s Hospital