Our Fragile X World logoOur Fragile X World collects data from families using online surveys and in-person studies. Topics covered include sensory or behavioral challenges, health care experiences, and the impact of Fragile X on families.

About the Study

Who can participate?

You can enroll in the Our Fragile X World registry if you are:

  • The parent of a child with Fragile X under 18 years old (premutation or full mutation).
  • The parent of an adult male with the full mutation.
  • The legal guardian of a child or adult with Fragile X (premutation or full mutation).
  • Someone 18 years or older with the full mutation and you are your own legal guardian.
  • Someone 18 years or older with the premutation.

What will happen in the study?

To join the Our Fragile X World registry, you will complete an enrollment survey, which takes about 20 minutes. It asks questions about you and your spouse and children (if applicable).

After you have enrolled in the registry by completing the enrollment survey, we may invite you to take part in future studies about Fragile X. You may receive up to two study invitations per year. Most studies are web-based. You can decide whether to take part in each study.

What are the good things that can happen from this research?

There are no personal benefits to you in joining the Our Fragile X World registry, however, future research studies will contribute to our overall understanding of Fragile X and how it affects both children and families.

What are the bad things that can happen from this research?

It is possible that a question on the Our Fragile X World enrollment survey could make you feel uncomfortable but most of the questions in the survey can be skipped.

As with any online survey, there is always a risk that confidentiality may be breached. However, we want to assure you that we make every effort to keep the information you give us secure.

Will you/your child be paid to complete this survey?

There is no payment for joining the Our Fragile X World registry.

Principal Investigator

Melissa Raspa
(919) 541-8736

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Most Recent Opportunities
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Image by Andrea Don from Pixabay