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The NFXF Blog


LINKS Gets Into Gear for the New Year!

By |Jan 2, 2013|

2012 was the most active year ever in the LINKS Support Network program, with everything from monthly Saturday gatherings for coffee to statewide awareness walks dotting the calendar. In addition to actively participating at the International Conference, many LINKS groups held local educational conferences for families and professionals in their communities. We also saw a lot of growth in the LINKS network, with eight new groups forming and two groups changing leadership. All this activity helped us reach out to more families across the U.S. than ever before.

A Fond Farewell to the FX Community

By |Dec 31, 2012|

My first Fragile X case was in graduate school in 1984. A young man, about to be married, had a brother with Fragile X syndrome, and he wanted genetic counseling prior to his wedding. The first rumblings of "transmitting males" were arising so we imparted on him a small risk to be some sort of carrier, with no symptoms, and to be at risk for grandchildren with FXS. Even then, that was pretty advanced stuff, straying from the usual X-linked inheritance that previously reassured unaffected males that they could not pass on the disorder.

Opportunity from Novartis Pharmaceuticals

By |Dec 5, 2012|

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Dear Friend of National Fragile X Foundation: We would like to inform you of clinical research studies to find out if a new investigational drug is safe and has beneficial effects in [...]

Texas Walks Across the State!

By |Dec 2, 2012|

Congratulations to the three Texas LINKS “pardners” for organizing their successful and fun Fragile X awareness walks on Saturday November 10th. Walkers of all ages participated in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas to raise money [...]

Seaside Therapeutics Harbor-C Trials

By |Nov 6, 2012|

Seaside Therapeutics is studying the science of the brain and working to deliver treatments that improve the underlying causes of developmental disorders like Fragile X syndrome. Right now, Seaside is testing an investigational medicine called STX209 (arbaclofen) for individuals with Fragile X syndrome with social impairment. Thanks to the dedication and efforts of families, one of the clinical trials is almost complete.

Changing Minds: Advocates Reshape How We Think About Autism

By |Nov 5, 2012|

Brandon Reynolds, the author of the article Changing Minds: Advocates Reshape How We Think About Autism which recently appeared in the SF Weekly, has a brother with Fragile X syndrome and has been a past contributor to the NFXF’s Foundation Quarterly. The article features quotes from our executive director, Robert Miller, FX expert and medical director at UC Davis’ MIND Institute, Randi Hagerman, and several FX parents.

New LINKS Groups Sprouting Across the Country!

By |Oct 31, 2012|

The is a wonderful way to get involved in the Fragile X community on a local level, to meet new families, share experiences, work together to raise awareness, advocate, fund raise, build friendships [...]

What is #GivingTuesday?

By |Oct 31, 2012|

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and for most people that means spending time with family while enjoying great meals, good times, and a big helping of gratitude. Then comes Black Friday, the day [...]

Full Mutation, Premutation or No Mutation At All

By |Oct 31, 2012|

Robert Miller Executive Director National Fragile X Foundation Here in the Fragile X world we spend a lot of time parsing mutations, CGG repeat numbers and trying to define Fragile X. From a [...]