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The NFXF Blog


Let Congress Know We Want Fragile X Research!

By |Apr 9, 2013|

It’s Advocacy Time Again—Fragile X Needs Your Help Today! As you all know, nearly 200 Fragile X advocates gathered in Washington, DC on March 6 to brave the snow storm that wasn’t and then hand-carry [...]

The Elusive X-Factor

By |Apr 3, 2013|

Patricia J. Heavren As long as I can remember, I’ve been on a journey to discover the extraordinary in the everyday world—especially extraordinary people, the home-grown “stars of life” with that elusive “X” factor. My [...]

Research: Did You Grow Up in Iowa, or Know Someone Who Did?

By |Mar 26, 2013|

the Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Laboratory and Northwestern University You can help us discover more about Fragile X syndrome and the FMR1 premutation! Our research team at Northwestern University is studying language and social characteristics related [...]

Congressman Harper Re-Introduces the TEAM Act

By |Feb 22, 2013|

The three bills which comprised the TEAM Act began and finished the 112th Congress without ever making it to a vote. The package of bills serve the dual function of promoting the training and employment [...]

Merck Fund Announces Fragile X Research Grants

By |Feb 13, 2013|

The NFXF is honored to have been asked by the John Merck Fund to help share the exciting news about two new million-dollar grants for treatment related research in Fragile X syndrome. Both grants go [...]