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The NFXF Blog


Proclaiming Fragile X Awareness Day At Home Plate in Fenway Park

By |May 1, 2013|

Tuesday, April 23 was a proud day for Fragile X. That’s when Denise Devine of the Fragile X Resource Center of Western Massachusetts and my husband, Eric Welin, of the Fragile X LINKS Group of Eastern Massachusetts, stepped onto the field at Fenway Park in Boston, accompanied by our son, Caleb. They stood together behind home plate

NFXF-funded Drug Research Shows Promise in Behavior Improvement

By |Apr 23, 2013|

After three months of treatment with minocycline, children with Fragile X syndrome had greater improvements in general behavior, anxiety and mood-related behaviors, when compared with children with Fragile X syndrome who received placebo rather than the medication. The study was led by Mary Jacena Leigh, associate clinical professor of behavioral and developmental pediatrics with the Fragile X Treatment and Research Center at the MIND Institute.

New Research Leads to Better Understanding of FXTAS

By |Apr 22, 2013|

The NFXF was excited to read this announcement from the University of Michigan Health System. There are a number of dedicated scientists and clinicians working on FXTAS, however new treatments have been slower in coming than for Fragile X syndrome.

Unifying the Chicago LINKS Groups

By |Apr 17, 2013|

We’re excited to announce that the Fragile X Families of SW Chicago LINKS Group and Fragile X Resource Group of Greater Chicago are merging to form the Fragile X LINKS Group of Greater Chicago! Be sure to bookmark our site,

Memories of Joan Canel

By |Apr 17, 2013|

Linda Sorensen, MS Associate Director I received an interesting phone call back in the fall of 2008. It was from Joan Canel, and she wanted to know why there wasn’t more going on in [...]