Fragile X pumpkin carving contest header

The First Annual Fragile X Pumpkin Carving Contest is here!

The mission is to raise awareness of Fragile X by carving the NFXF X into a pumpkin and displaying it.

The details:

  1. Carve a pumpkin with the NFXF X or a Fragile X image of your choosing. You can download stencils of varying sizes (PDF), make your own stencil, or go freehand. Be imaginative and creative.
  2. Display your FX-O-Lantern for all to see.
  3. Take a photo, post it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with, “Learn more about Fragile X at #FXOLantern”.
  4. Everyone that does all 3 steps by November 1, 2017 will be entered into a drawing for a $75 gift certificate to the NFXF Shop.

All designs and attempts are appreciated. Raising Fragile X awareness is the winner.