Some older individuals with Fragile X syndrome can have a behavioral outbursts including aggressive behavior. These incidents can occur with little or no obvious warning and can be challenging for everyone involved. While aggressive behavior is only seen in a small number of teens and adults with FXS, there has been little practical information available that includes strategies for dealing with the more extreme situations.

Beginning in 2023, staff at the NFXF, including those who are parents of an adult with FXS, began drafting family-friendly content that will provide families and other caregivers with a better understanding of the possible causes of aggressive behavior along with recommendations for how to respond during and following an aggressive incident.

Initial drafts of the new content were shared with the professionals within the NFXF’s Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium who, along with parents and other caregivers, reviewed the document and made suggestions which were incorporated into the final version Strategies for Addressing Aggressive Behavioral Outbursts in Adolescents and Adults with Fragile X Syndrome, now available online.

There will be sessions at the 19th NFXF International Fragile X Conference this July discussing aggressive behaviors and there will be an NFXF webinar on this topic in the Fall of 2024.

While we recognize some of this content may be difficult to consider, by taking proactive steps to minimize aggressive behaviors, planning the steps to take during an incident, and developing steps to take following an incident, we believe that aggressive behavior can be lessened, both in intensity and frequency. Overall, this will lead to better life experiences and opportunities for all involved.

The NFXF is committed to providing knowledge, resources, and tools for the everyday; we’re here to support you. Together We’re Stronger!

Author Robby Miller

Robby Miller
Robby has spent over 50 years helping children with special needs, their families, and the professionals who work with them. Robby is particularly interested in how families learn about, access, and receive meaningful services from competent professionals, organizations, and institutions. This interest led to his co-founding the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium, also known as FXCRC. In his spare time, you’ll find Robby singing and playing rhythm guitar in a rock band with his pals.