Expanding Clinical Care to Better Support Individuals with the Fragile X Premutation
In addition to supporting the 34 clinics that currently exist, one of the projects we’re working on right now is expanding clinical care to better support individuals living with the Fragile X premutation. This includes increasing the number of clinics with expertise in FXTAS and developing a comprehensive clinical infrastructure for supporting those impacted by FXPOI. And we continue to be dedicated to producing valuable, high-quality educational resources to empower both families and professionals to navigate these conditions with confidence.
You can make a difference by helping us increase the number of clinics that specialize in the Fragile X premutation so that everyone with Fragile X has access to the support and care they need to reach their full potential. Help us realize our mission to serve the entire Fragile X community, including those with the Fragile X premutation!
We are closer than ever to possible treatments to improve the lives of those with Fragile X and their loved ones. We know that not everyone with Fragile X has access to the support and care they need to reach their full potential, so we’re on a mission to find and support every family living with Fragile X. Join us!
“The NFXF has given me a community with other experts, increasing my knowledge base and equipping me to clinically serve patients.”
– Fragile X Clinician
You can reach out to Anna De Sonia, Director of Research Facilitation, at anna@fragilex.org.