The Haugen’s third Fragile X Christmas Party in Waverly, Iowa, on December 14, 2024, was another smashing success. Their fundraising goal was $25,000, and they raised a whopping $36,420. That’s no surprise. All three of their Christmas fundraisers far exceeded their goals, which together totaled $75,000.

The Fragile X Christmas Party was held at the Waverly Area Veterans Post with tickets priced at $25 for adults and $10 for students. In addition to the Christmas music, learning about Fragile X, light hors d’oeuvres, and a cash bar, there were four guests of honor.

Brady, Nellie, Aaron, and Colton by the Christmas tree.

Above: Guests of honor Brady, Nellie, Aaron, and Colton. See more photos below.

The first is their son, Aaron. Aaron is 40 years old and has Fragile X syndrome. “Before he was diagnosed with Fragile X at 10 years old, teachers were trying to figure out what the deal was with math. He would memorize the math addition and subtraction tables, so he always got 100%,” said his father, Denny Haugen. It was when Aaron’s class got to division that led to the diagnosis. “None of that made sense. There’s no comprehension. That was the first reality for us.”

Aaron learned to thrive and today has his own apartment, with only some assistance with cleaning and food preparation. He also has a job, which Dad says he absolutely loves. He washes dishes and clears tables at Mensa, Wartburg College’s main dining center. (Shout-out to Mensa!) Aaron’s other great love is helping the Wartburg football team. He just celebrated his 20th year as manager. He travels with the team and helps from the sidelines, including giving play signals and encouraging fans to cheer louder (which he’s very good at!).

The second guest of honor was six-year-old Nellie Woodley, who was diagnosed with FXS when she was three. The Haugens met Nellie after a connection was made at their first Christmas party. Long story short, the granddaughter of a local teacher has FXS, and Nellie has been a friend and honored guest ever since.

The third and fourth guests of honor were Colton and Brady, who both have FXS. Colton is in his mid-20s and is Nellie’s cousin. Brady, a young teen, moved to the area from Denver not long ago. The clinic he went to in Denver contacted Denny so he could be a contact for Brady and his family, which he was more than happy to do.

What’s Next?

Denny Haugen, a current NFXF board member and retired from Wartburg College, wants to spend his time spreading awareness about Fragile X. So far, so good. So why was this the last Fragile X Christmas Party? The answer is he’s a savvy fundraiser with a plan, “I have a philosophy that when you’re doing special fundraising, three years and out is a good policy. So this is the third year, and then I’ll figure something else out beyond that.”

We look forward to what comes next for Denny and his family. We’re sure it will be phenomenal.

“This has been a ride. As much as I love fundraising and loved my job at Wartburg, this leaves that in the dust. It’s beyond rewarding.”

P.S. You can still contribute to the fundraiser!

Watching a presentation at the 2024 Fragile X Christmas Party.
One of the party guests laughing.
Brady and a friend at a table.
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