At a Glance
- Study Type: Study
- Condition: Premutation or full mutation Fragile X
- Age: 0–5
- Sex: All
- Participant: Child plus parent or caregiver
- Location: Home
- Travel Considerations: No travel required
- Sponsor: The John Merck Fund
We are currently enrolling children born in North Carolina.
RTI International and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are conducting a research study to learn more about early development of young children with Fragile X in North Carolina, and the experiences of their parents when obtaining the diagnosis and early intervention services.
This research study is currently seeking male and female children that have a premutation or full mutation Fragile X (including mosaic) and meet the following criteria:
- Age 0–5.
- Born in North Carolina.
- Lived in North Carolina between the ages of 0 and 3 years.
- Live in a home where English is the primary language spoken.
What to Expect
Research study activities for qualified children and their parents include:
- Home Visits: Depending on the child’s age, there will be 1–3 home visits (developmental assessments) with you and your child, each taking 2–3 hours:
- At enrollment
- Age 3
- Age 5
- Summary Reports: After each visit, you will receive a brief summary report about your child’s development plus a $50 gift card for your time.
- Questionnaires: Parents will be asked to complete some questionnaires (approx. 1–2 hours).
The following is a list of some of the assessments and questionnaires that will be included in the study:
Child Assessments:
- Bayley-3/SB-5 (50 mins)
- PDMS-2 (30–45 mins)
- AOSI (up to 18 months) 20 mins/ADOS (45–60 mins)
Parent Report Questionnaires: Questionnaires will be sent ahead of time so that parents have plenty of time to complete.
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition (20 mins)
- Sensory Profile, Second Edition (10–20 mins)
- Rothbart Temperament Very Short Forms (10 mins)
- Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey (5 mins)
- Feeding Flock Assessment. (1–2 surveys, 10–20 mins)
- Sleep Questionnaire (5 mins)
- Family Demographics including FX status (5 mins, 1st visit only)
- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) (15 mins)
- State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (10 mins)
- Parenting Stress Index (PSI), Fourth Edition: Short Form (10 mins)
A Mom Shares Her and Her Son’s Experience Participating in a Fragile X Clinical Trial »
Diane and her son Joshua volunteered for a clinical trial a little over a year ago. In this heartwarming video, his mom shares how their family made the decision to participate, and what the experience has been like so far.
Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis on the Challenges Inherent in a Clinical Trial »
We asked NFXF scientific advisor, doctor, and clinical researcher Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis to comment on the challenges inherent in a clinical trial.
Clinical Trials From Start to Finish (Webinar) »
Sharyn Lincoln and Katherine Pawlowski of Boston Children’s Hospital speaks with us about how clinical research trials work, what it takes to participate, and what happens after the study.
Outside Resources:
Learn About Clinical Trials »
From, maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Need More Information?
Review our clinical trial FAQs & Resources to help you with your decision to participate, or reach out to us to answer any additional questions.
Our Most Recent Opportunities
Study: Somatic symptom development in 6-12 year old females with an FMR1 mutation (SoS Study)
Researchers at the New York State Institute for Basic Research are conducting a study to better understand the development of physical (somatic) symptoms in females living with and without an FMR1 gene variation.
Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are working on technology to improve how to identify and track progress in children living with autism and Fragile X syndrome. The study is currently recruiting children ages 18 months to 5 years, and 12-18 years.
Study: Web Intervention for Parents of Youth with Genetic Syndromes (WINGS)
Researchers at the Autism Assessment, Research, Treatment & Services (AARTS) Center at Rush University Medical Center are currently conducting a fully-virtual research study that is testing two telehealth interventions that are designed to help parents of children with genetic syndromes and intellectual disabilities gain strategies to manage challenging behaviors.
Neural Underpinnings of the Relationship Between Cognition and Gait Dysfunction in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS)
Movement disorders researchers at Rush University Medical Center are conducting a research study to learn about brain activation in people living with FXTAS during tasks like walking and thinking. This study is currently recruiting adults ages 50+ who are living with FXTAS.
Pharmacogenomics and the Fragile X Community: Interest and Prior Understanding
Researchers at the University of Alabama are looking for members of the FX community to take their online survey so they can explore the knowledge & opinions of the FXS community on pharmacogenomic testing.
Brain & Behavior Study
Researchers at Purdue University are conducting a natural history research study to learn about brain activity in females, ages18-60 years, living with the FMR1 premutation.