National Ataxia Foundation

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All About FXTAS


The National Ataxia Foundation and the National Fragile X Foundation are excited to partner on a webinar series about FXTAS! Do you or a loved one have a Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)?  Join our webinar to learn about the mechanisms of the disease, the diagnostic journey, and what to expect for clinical care with this diagnosis.


Research and Treatment Development for FXTAS


The National Ataxia Foundation and the National Fragile X Foundation are excited to partner on a webinar series about FXTAS! Do you or a loved one have a FXTAS? Dr. David Hessl will teach us how Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is studied and give an overview of the current state of research and drug development for the disease.
