X Strides 2025 logo

Join us for X Strides 2025!

Help Raise Awareness During Fragile X Awareness Month this July!

Join us for this year’s X Strides to raise awareness and funds to support the Fragile X community! We focus our awareness efforts during July, Fragile X Awareness Month, but feel free to start early or hold your walk or day at the park anytime! You can register as an individual, start a team, or join an existing team! We have fun prizes which we’ll award after Fragile X Awareness Month concludes (please note: teams have until August 9th to fundraise for prizes).

WHO: Anyone Anywhere!

WHAT: Walk, run, bike, hike, gather at a park, play your favorite games, schedule a get-together on Zoom. You decide what you want to do to raise awareness of Fragile X.

WHEN: Anytime during the month of July, Fragile X Awareness Month.

WHERE: Anywhere you choose!

WHY: to support the National Fragile X Foundation to provide knowledge, resources and tools for all families impacted by Fragile X.

Registration Open Soon!

A mock up of the X Strides t-shirt.
World Fragile X Day logo

You can reach out to Anna De Sonia, Director of Research Facilitation, at anna@fragilex.org.