Events for April 1 - February 25


Virtual – SSAN Strategic Planning Meeting

Join the Sibling and Self-Advocate Network (SSAN) and members of the NFXF Team to discuss ideas and topics that would be meaningful and helpful for Siblings and Self-Advocates in the coming two [...]

Virtual – SSAN March Madness

Join the Sibling and Self-Advocate Network (SSAN) and get ready for some fun at their March Madness Zoom! They’ll kick things off with some energizing music, play trivia, and catch up with [...]

9th Annual Hadley Corn Hole Championship

Hadley American Legion Post 271 162 Russell Street, Hadley, MA

Join the NFXF Western Mass Chapter for the 9th Annual Hadley Cornhole Championship fun-filled Corn Hole Competition! Teams of two will compete in a double-elimination tournament for a chance to win prizes and claim [...]
