Virtual – SSAN Strategic Planning Meeting
Join the Sibling and Self-Advocate Network (SSAN) and members of the NFXF Team to discuss ideas and topics that would be meaningful and helpful for Siblings and Self-Advocates in the coming two [...]
Join the Sibling and Self-Advocate Network (SSAN) and members of the NFXF Team to discuss ideas and topics that would be meaningful and helpful for Siblings and Self-Advocates in the coming two [...]
Join us as we host Drs. Emily Allen, Craig Erickson, Peng Jin, David Nelson, and Peter Todd, in addition to NIH representative Dr. Kathleen Huntzkicker, for a discussion on research in Fragile X.
Join the Sibling and Self-Advocate Network (SSAN) for their next Zoom session as they dive into the power of advocacy. Our voices matter, and you can make a difference! They’ll kick off [...]
Join us for the NFXF Advocacy Day 2025. This annual in-person event will bring together families, self-advocates, siblings, caregivers, doctors, and researcher who are a collective voice dedicated to elevating awareness, educating, and showcasing actionable ways to support the Fragile X community.
Join the NFXF Connecticut Chapter for a Virtual Fragile X Dad's Chat – All Dads Welcome! Feel free to join the chat whenever works for you and stay for as long as you'd like! [...]