

[city2], [state2]
Contact: [cname] ] [email5]
Age Range: [minage] – [maxage]
Gender: [gender]
Condition: [condition]
Study: [if study equals=”Donepezil”]Randomized Controlled Study of Donepezil in Fragile X Syndrome[/if study][if study equals=”Neuren NNZ-2566 Phase 2″]A Safety Study of NNZ-2566 in Patients With Fragile X Syndrome[/if study][if study equals=”MG01CI”]Study of MG01CI Low Dose and High Dose Compared With Placebo in Adults and Adolescents With Fragile X Syndrome[/if study][if study equals=”Acamprosate”]Study of Acamprosate in Fragile X Syndrome[/if study]