Tag: Hyperarousal

What is hyperarousal? From Behavioral Challenges in Fragile X Syndrome: High states of overstimulation, or hyperarousal, is a common feature of Fragile X syndrome. Individuals experiencing hyperarousal may feel anxious or fearful. Some may become flushed, their ears and cheeks may become red, and their palms may begin to sweat. Their behavior may appear disorganized, and they may begin to engage in repetitive movements or speech. Some may become obstinate, refuse an activity, or attempt to leave the stimulating environment. They may become unfocused, inattentive, impulsive, or aggressive. Avoidance-escape behaviors are more prominent in individuals with limited ability to communicate. Social withdrawal and phobias can evolve into full-blown reclusion especially in adolescents and adults as the demands of schedules in later life do not require them to go out of their homes on a regular basis.

Hyperarousal in Fragile X Syndrome

By |2022-03-18T15:10:14-04:00Mar 18, 2022|

Consensus of the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium Hyperarousal in Fragile X Syndrome Last Updated: Oct. 2012—|—First Published: June 2011—|—Download PDF Introduction Diagnosis & Recognition ​​Current Treatment [...]